Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Greetings and forms of address (Menyapa dan bentuk panggilan) untuk guru

Bagi guru RSBI yang menggunakan pembelajaran dwi bahasa dapat mengikuti percakapan Bahasa Inggris berikut ini untuk diterapkan di kelas saat proses pembelajaran.

1.       Greetings and forms of address (Menyapa dan bentuk panggilan)
Good morning
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good afternoon
Boys an girls
Girls and boys
[first name]

2.       Checking attendance (Memeriksa kehadiran)
Let’s call the roll
Let’s take the register
Let’s check to see who’s here
Remember to answer “I’m here”
Thank you everybody

So, everyone is here except . . . .
So, only two people away

Is everybody here?

Is anyone away?
No-one absent today?
Who is missing?
Let’s all count to see if
Everyone is here-girls first. Then boys.
Oh good, Tati, you’re back. Nice to see you are you all right now.
Oh, Buyung’s away
Who knows why?
Is he ill?
So, how many is 13 and 15?
Ok . . .  yes?
So that is 28

Maybe he’s gone to the dentist. What do you think?

Is that more than yesterdaty?
Or less than yesterday?
Or the same?

3.       Organizing the classroom (mengatus kelas)
  1. Get your books and pencils out.
  2. Pick your pencils up.
  3. Move the tables back.
  4. Turn your face around to face the wall chart.
  5. Put all your things away.
  6. Close the window beside you.
  7. Put your pencils down.
  8. Turn back to face the front.
  9. Leave these tables here.
  10. Leave the windows open.
4.       Ending lessons (Mengakhiri pelajaran)
  1. Ok, that’s all for now.
  2. Right. We’ve no time for anything else – don’t do any more – we don’t have any more time today.
  3. Ok – just one more time before going out for a short break.
  4. Ok, now stop! We haven’t enough time to finish the monster today. So stand up . . .
  5. Ok – just one more time and then that’s ir.
  6. Ok, pick up all your things – and put the books in the cupboard.
  7. That’s all for today. On Monday, there’ll be more.
  8. Ok children, make a line to say goodbye – following the leader. Bye bye.
  9. Ok, it’s break time. So you can go out to play. But first-line up quietly by the door.

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