With every New Year, we're given a clean slate upon which to draw a brand new future. Along with New Year's resolutions to exercise your body, perhaps it's time to consider exercising your mind as well.
Now is the perfect time to continue your education. Of course the big question is, how do you fit one more thing into your already insanely busy schedule?
If you've ever hesitated to pursue further education because you couldn't handle the rigors of a traditional campus program, it may be time to consider the relatively new, but rapidly growing area of online education.
Whether you're a housewife ready to take on a new career, a mid-level boomer ready for another challenge, or just a person who loves to learn, online education can give you the boost you need.
Online education, also known as distance learning, is rapidly gaining popularity as a convenient, efficient and often lower-cost way to improve your mind, your life and your career opportunities.
According to "Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States in 2006", a report that has been tracking the annual changes in the online educational system in the United States for several years, more than 800,000 students signed up for some form of online education in 2006.
In addition to the new 800,000 students, "Making the Grade" reports that more than 3.2 million people are turning to online education as a way to fill in their educational gaps, improve their lives, and enhance their employment and career choices. It is easier than ever to locate an appropriate, accredited school with online degrees and certificates.
In addition, getting federal financial aid for online education has recently changed, making it easier for schools and students to obtain funding.
There are opportunities available for almost everyone. Whether seeking a college degree, a career change, or a new trade, there are a multitude of choices being offered by numerous schools. Some are well-known brick and mortar institutions offering off-site, distance learning or "limited residence requirements" programs to meet every student's need. Additionally there are numerous accredited online education programs that meet the criteria for financial aid.
Searching for the right online education program for you, your child, or your company can be a lengthy, time-consuming process. There are many things to consider, such as area of study, finances, and of course, which school to attend. It's important to make sure that your chosen distance education program is accredited by the appropriate agencies. This will insure a better chance at financial aid, as well as better opportunities after graduation.
Make this a year to remember with new attitudes and new goals. Online education can help you improve your self-worth, net-worth and your bottom line.
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