What does it mean to manifest a desire? Lets look at the words manifest and desire. Manifest means to offer proof, attest to or to display clearly.
So when we say manifest a desire, we say to display your desire as having been fulfilled or to offer proof of something.
For example if your desire is to have a house and you eventually have gotten the house you wanted then its safe to say that your desire has been manifested.
Now I have first explained what it means to manifest a desire. So lets now talk about various ways that one can manifest a desire.
One of the ways and the most popular way to manifest a desire is through action. In other words you define what it is you want or desire and you start working on it.
But is that the best way to manifest a desire? I think not. Why do I say that. Action is effort and effort is taxing and besides, there's no guarantee that you will manifest your desires.
Just look around you in the world. Everybody is working themselves to a standstill, but does it mean they are getting what they want?
Hardly. They are just barely getting by. People are having houses and cars but its not really theirs. This is not really a good way to get the things you want.
There is another and better way to manifest a desire and it is to use your mind. You see your mind is much more powerful then many people realize.
When you use pure action to manifest your desires you are chasing after something that is doing it's best to run away from you. On the other hand, when you use your mind and the laws of the Universe you are attracting what you want towards you.
The benefits of using your mind to manifest a desire are many, but let me give you just a few.
* It takes less time,
* It takes less effort,
* You are happier,
* You have time to spend with the people you love,
* Your success is guaranteed
However when you try to manifest your desire through pure action, this is what you get.
* You may not enjoy what you do, like with most people, because you only do it to manifest a desire,
* You are constantly tired
* You are frustrated and angry that things are nor working out for you,
* You have no time for the people in your life because you're constantly working.
So as you can see from the above. Action is no substitute for pure focussed energy to manifest your desires faster then you can imagine.
Remember the times when you believed in yourself and were positive about something, how it went? And remember the times when you did something mechanically without really believing in it?
That's the power of belief and though demonstrated there.
You can manifest your desires and you can start today, using your mind.
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